Saturday, May 01, 2010

Mystery Guest #5

Welcome to Mystery Guest #5. As with Mystery Guest #4, this it will be a rolling post, with one new image and clue added over the next week or so to help you guess. Three previous mystery guests were identified, while one remained unidentified and I had to "give her up".

I am asking that if you you think you know who it is, post it to the comments, but since they are now moderated (thanks spammers), I will hold off on publishing comments until the end. I will post any wrong guesses and if any visitor guesses correctly, he or she will be given the proper accolades when time is up.

Here we go. Since this actress is not as obscure as previous guests we will start with a really minimal clue. She was born west of the Mississippi.

Here is the next clue and picture. This actress eventually did turn her career east of the Mississippi, in fact east of the Atlantic Ocean, but not until the 1950's.

This is a frame grab from her very first film. Unfortunately someone blocked out her name.

So far two folks have correctly guessed her identity. Clearly it was the picture, not the "clue" that gave it away.

Here is clue and picture #3 of our mystery guest. This screen capture is from her 13th film. The film itself introduces another actress who would become world renowned for years to come and the first breakthrough role for an actor known for tough guy roles.

We have had another guess, but unfortunately, incorrect. It is not E. Arden.

Here is our next clue and picture. I knew this guest was not going to be to difficult to identify because her career was quite successful and long lived. I have received a number of correct guesses, again I believe due to the pictures, not the actual clues. Today's clue should give those who still don't know her, with a little digging, the correct identity.

Our mystery guest was awarded the C.B.E. (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) in 1974 . Won the Tony Award, an Obie Award, and a Drama Desk Award in 1979, pointing to her talent and longevity.

Movie Classic, June 1934.

So here we go. I thought this might be too easy due the this actresses long career. That said, I must give congratulations to those who identified our mystery guest.

The first to answer correctly was Mary - who sent her comment the same day.
Two days later Carrie Liz properly identified our guest.
Peter0315 hit it on the head two days after Carrie.
71Duffy74 gave the correct answer that day as well.
Finally, the following day, R.J. submitted his guess. It was incorrect, but about a half hour later he tried again and got the answer.
For the others that guessed and came up short, thanks for trying.

And the answer is:

Constance Cummings

Now that you know, you can look to my next post for a more complete look at this talented actress. Still assembling some elements, but it should post soon.

I said the first frame grab above was from her first film, but that is incorrect (Too many folders, films and frame grabs) :-). You will see it properly identified in her "named post."

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